This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

ST. LOUIS (KTVI) – Tonight Investigator Elliott Davis questions Missouri Governor Jay Nixon about whether he’ll grant a pardon to a Webster Groves man who last year was the center of national attention.

Because of a clerical error by the State, Cornealious Anderson was arrested and hauled off to jail to start serving 13-year sentence 13-years after he should have been called.

During his time of freedom he turned his life around, with a new business, a wife and kids.

A Judge was so impressed he set Anderson free.

But then the old case resurfaced last November in St Louis.

He was stopped by police looking for a robbery suspect. Anderson says he was arrested after police ran his record and discovered he was a convicted felon.

But video surveillance showed Anderson was at a party with his wife and friends at the time of the robbery.

St Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce made a public apology and dropped the charges.

But the same thing could happen again and again unless he gets a pardon from the Governor to wipe his record clean.

Elliott questioned the Governor who didn’t seem to keen on Anderson’s plight.

Anderson’s lawyer and Anderson himself talked about the trouble that’s creating in Anderson’s life.

Office of the Governor
Wikipedia on Cornealious Anderson

Previous Coverage:
Robbery charges dropped after wife’s investigation reveals video evidence
Cornealious Anderson is now a free man
Cornealious “Mike” Anderson back in jail after accused of stealing a woman’s purse